Somethingchans Wiki


The Moon-Chan is the personified humanoid version of the Moon. Her best friend is Earth~Chan. If you/humans smile at the sky at night before bedtime the moon-chan will give you/them beautiful dreams. (It's reality too!)


The moon-chan is a fictional meme character.

The moon-chan is not a cartoon character.

Fact 3. The moon-chan can cut your ears if you pointing at the moon-chan. (Please do not point at the moon in real life, it can cut your ears too.)


The Moon-Chan is a silly energetic girl who can sometimes be quiet and antisocial. Many people trust her because of her lovely personality. Some claim she has a thing with Earth-Chan.


The Moon-Chan has jitome and tareme eyes, and red-orange eyes, and has white/bright pupils. Her hime-cut messy short hair and have anime bangs are half blackhair. half grey and dark grey moon hair and has a ahoge that almost shaped like crescent. She is shorter than most of the planets, but she bigger than dwarf planets-chans in the solar system, She wears a little bit big yellow rain coat because her maybe crush best friend Earth-chan is 71% water. She has white NASA logo t-shirt, and she also has a purple galaxy skirt and knee high blue galaxy socks with 1 white stripe at the top, she have pale skin, Sometimes she have a flag on her hair.




Humans if they pointing at the moon-chan (Go look at the third fact to keep you safe!)

If google-chan thinks earth-chan is a cartoon character


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